
Bury Them All - Let The Braves Rise (EP/2008)

Metalcore band from Belgium [Liège]
01. Let The Braves Rise
02. Sacrifice
03. Children Perish In Flames

Bury Them All originated in February 2007 when Emeric Jandrin (drums) and Claude Englebert (bass) decided to put together a band that wanted to be resolutely metalcore. Strengthened by their common musical experience (they had previously played together in Kooks) Claude and Emeric immediately lay a very solid foundation stone as this rhythm section presents itself as being in perfect musical and relational harmony. They will be quickly joined by Arnaud Frederix who, after playing the role of singer in Disruption, wanted to focus exclusively on his activity as a guitarist. In search of a second guitarist, Bury Them All regularly consults the advertisements and ends up falling on Olivier Malderez who was, at the time, orphan of any musical training. Oli (ex-Redrum4, Darkfields,…) would bring more than ten years of experience to the band, allowing Bury Them All to really take off. The rehearsals then follow and the first songs begin to emerge, all in an essentially metalcore style tinged with various influences from thrash and hardcore as well as death. The need to find a singer will quickly arise in order to bring the final touch to several already well-finished compositions and it is therefore with this in mind that David Noppe (ex-Akilis Tendon) joins the group. A few months later, after having given a handful of concerts, Bury Them All decides to separate from David whose type of voice does not fully suit the desired style. The group will quickly find David's replacement in the person of Niko Weykmans (ex-Divine Tornment). For a year, the five people from Liège will chain concerts at a phenomenal speed and record their first demo entitled "Let The Braves Rise". This first effort is composed of three titles (Let The Braves Rise, Sacrifice and Children Perish In Flames) and presents itself as the result of a mixture of multiple influences but is characterized above all by the execution of its own style situated somewhere share between metal and hardcore. Bury Them All underwent their last line-up change in September 2008 when Niko left the band. Different dates are still scheduled, the obligation to quickly find a new singer. It is Nico "Lapin" Piron (Excavated) who will initially take over the interim before accepting the position permanently. After having given more than 30 concerts in one year, with in particular remarkable passages at the Ougr 'rock festival, at the MJ of Rixensart or at the CCJC of Chénée, Bury Them All is today in a whole new dynamic and is preparing to record a second demo, the release of which is planned for the beginning of 2009, in order to then once again launch an assault on the various cinemas in the country but also beyond our borders.

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